Unitary and Federal System

Unitary System
It is a system in which a sovereign state is governed by a single entity. The central
government is supreme and the administrative divisions exercise only powers that the central government has delegated to them. Sub-divisions are created and abolished, and their powers may be broadened and narrowed by the central government. Unitary system is practices in countries: U.K. , France, Japan
Advantages of Unitary System:
1)     It creates less confusion over the governing process among the average citizen.
2)      It can respond quickly to the emergency situations.
3)      It is usually cheap to run.
4)      It is a smaller form of government.
5)     There is less complexity in the legal system of a unitary government.
6)     A unitary system of governing can replicate the federal states.
7)      Unitary system helps to create a system of unity.
Disadvantages of Unitary System
1)      It can be lacking in infrastructure.
2)      It is a structure that can ignore local needs
3)      It can encourage an abuse of power.
4)     Manipulation quite easily occur in the unitary government.
5)      Many unitary states does not allow autonomy.
6)      It can also have a slower response in local emergencies.
Federal System
It is a political system where a country is divided into different autonomous states or provinces. Each state or provinces has a separate government along with its federal government in the center.
1)     Maintain close relationship between the government and its people.
2)     Conflict may settle at local level.
3)     Maximum use of means and resources.
4)      Does not hamper the country even if the central government is dissolved.
5)      No need to depend upon the center for everything.
6)     Increment of public participation in government activities.
7)     Local and ethnic art ,culture and heritages can be well protected.
8)      Accelerate development activities.
9)     Helps to maintain balanced population distribution.
10) Creates a protection against tyranny
11)Encourages a system of cooperation.
1)     Unequal distribution of means and resources between the states may cause unequal development and misunderstanding may cause the conflict among the states.
2)     It is more expensive than unitary system.
3)      There may be misunderstanding between federal and provincial government regarding the sharing of power and responsibilities.
4)     It can encourage to pass ridiculous laws.
5)     It can be structured to benefit only rich.
6)     The province may demand different state which may become danger to the national integrity.

Difference Between Unitary System and Federal System
Unitary System
Federal System
1. The powers remained at the
central place and central government have the authority to make the decision.
a. Most of the powers are delegated to the provincial or state government.
2. It is not as much democratic form of government due to the decision making power at central place.
b. It is pure form of democratic government in which provinces can enjoy some power regarding governing and decision making in their respective regions.
3. It has one government known as central government.
c. It has two governments one at central place and other at province or state level.
4. It may or may not have constitution like England do not have.
d. It must have a constitution.
5. Highest court cannot give judgement or remarks on the law or bill passed by the parliament.
e. In case of disputes between the institutions in federal government or any bill passed by parliamentary, judiciary will interfere.
6. The powers and authorities are shared among lower levels when needed.
f. There is hierarchy of power from federal level to state and local level.
7. There are the common set of riles and regulations in the entire country.
g. There can be variations in rules and regulations at central and local level
8. There exist only one national tire of government.
h. There can be more self governing territories.

Similarities between Unitary System and Federal System:
1. Both system can be in monarchies and democracies.
2. In both cases, the central government maintains control over key issues.
3. Both system can promote stability and prosperity.

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