Centralization and Decentralization

It is a concept that denotes the concentration of authority in a particular
position. It is making the works done from the central authority. There is low or no involvement of the local institutions in the service delivery options. The accountability, responsibility an resources capacity lies on the central bodies whereas local people are only service receivers. It is applicable to the beginning phase of any country with less diversity and service demand, no development in local leadership.
Strengths of Centralization:
1. Emphasis on top-down control leadership
2. Decision making strong
3. Organizational change shaped by the vision of the top leader
4. Fast and coordinated action which is able to respond quickly to major issues and changes.
5. Low risks of conflicts
6. Easier to implement uniform policies and practices for the whole country
7. Prevents the other parts of the country to become too much independent hence maintains national integration
Drawbacks of Centralization:
1. Lack of authority down the hierarchy may reduce the local leaders motivation.
2. Does not maintain public participation
3. Public service misses flexibility and speed of decision making.
4. Does not address the local needs effectively
5. Does not maintain accountability and transparency
6. Service delivery will be slow due to the bureaucratic process
It is the establishment of local bodies outside the regular bureaucratic structure. It is the transfer of authority and responsibility for public functions from the central government to subordinate or quasi-independent local bodies or private sector. It refers to the restructuring of authority so that there is a system of co-responsibility between the institutions of governance at the central, regional and local levels.
Strengths of Centralization:
1.     Emphasis bottom up approach
2.     Decision making will be democratic
3.     Increasement in participation and accountability
4.     Decision making will be closer to the public
5.     better able to address the local needs effectively
6.     good way of training and developing leaders
7.     organizational change due to the interactions
Drawbacks of the Decentralization:
1.     Worsens the service delivery in the absence of effective controls and oversight
2.     deteriorates service quality due to over burden and out of capacity of local government
3.     local elites gain undue advantage by overcoming rules
4.     creates new ethnic and religious rivalries
5.     may lead to regional imbalances


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