Local Governance:

It is a more or less polycentric system in which a variety of actors are engaged in local
public decision making process. It is a process of inclusive decision making where local governments and other relevant actors participate in decision making to agree and implement essential tasks and basic services that affect the daily life. It is a process by which authority, power, resources and accountability are transferred from central to local levels. It came into fashion in the middle of 1990s.
Basic Elements of the Local Governance:
a. Participation
b. Equity
c. Transparency.
d. Accountability
e. Rule of law
f. Legitimacy
Main Actors of Local Governance:
a. State (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary ) creates the conductive political and legal environment.
b. Local Government provides institutional and administrative framework for conducting community affairs.
c. Private Sector provides the foundation for economic growth and development.
d. Civil Society facilitate social and political interaction.
Importance of Local Governance:
1. It protects the local interest concerning the livelihood of the community.
2. It promote good governance and build partnership with Civil Society, Private Sector and Government units of the local level.
3. It helps to express the will of the local people.
4. It helps in developing local leadership.

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