Articles of ICCPCR

1. Right to Self-Determination.
Equality of Rights and Protection of Rights
3.Equality of Rights between men and women.
4. Limitations of economic, social and cultural rights in time of public emergency
5. No person has the right to destroy Rights
6. Right to life
7. Freedom from torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
8. Freedom from slavery,slave trade or forced labor.
9. Right to liberty and security of the person.
10. Right of detained person to humane treatment.
11. Right to freedom from imprisonment for inability to fulfill a contractual obligation.
12. Right to freedom of movement and choice of residence.
13. Right of aliens to due process when expelled.
14. Right to equality before the law.
15. Right to visa-vis no crime without law.
16. Right to recognized as a person.
17. Right to privacy.
18. Right to freedom of though and expression.
19. Right to hold and express opinions without interference.
20. Propaganda for war shall be prohibited by the law.
21. Right to peaceful assembly.
22. Right to freedom of association.
23. Right of men and women to marry.
24. Right of the child to be treated as a part of the family,society and state.
25. Right and opportunity of every citizen to take part in public affairs directly or through his representative.
26. Right to equality before the law.

27. Right of minorities to enjoy their culture, religion,etc.

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