Child Right

Child rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of the special protection and care afforded to the young including their right to association with both biological
parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for food, universal state-paid education, health care and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the children.
United Nations Educational Guides for children has classified the rights outlined in the CRC as the "3Ps":
  1. Provision: Children have the right to an adequate standard of living, health care, education and services and to play and recreation. These include a balanced diet, a warm bed to sleep and access to schooling.
  2. Protection: Children have the right to protection from abuse, neglect exploitation and discrimination. This includes the right to safe places for children to play constructive child rearing behaviour and acknowledgment of the evolving capacities of children.
  3. Participation: Children have the right to participate in communites and have programs and services for themselves. This includes children's involvement in libraries and community programs, youth voice activities and involving children as decision makers.
Importance of Children Rights:

  1. It considers children as individuals
  2. It focuses on children to start their life as dependent beings on their parents or someone.
  3. It focuses on government to take appropriate policies and actions for the children.
  4. It focuses that children's views should be heard and considered in the political process.
  5. It stresses on the healthy development of children.

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