Relationship between Human Rights and Social Justice


Social Justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society as measured by the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges whereas human rights are the basic rights and ideas that everyone should have rights. The relationship between social justice and human rights can be explained through these points:

a.      Promotion of Equality

Social justice and human rights have a shared goal .ie. human dignity and equality for all. The issues that make social justice difficult to achieve such as poverty, exclusion and discrimination are in direct contradiction with human rights which apply to all individual indiscriminately. Human rights can help to fight indignity. For eg: Right to health should be secured for all as a part of respecting human dignity.

b.     Anti-Discrimination

Both Social justice and human rights doesn’t exist in those places where there is discrimination. Bothe social justice and human rights are anti-discrimination. Both argues that no one should be discriminated and deprived from provision irrespective of caste, gender, religion, race and other man made or biological constructions.

c.      Welfare Systems

Human Rights and Social Justice argues for the welfare of the humanity. Human rights argues that everyone should be treated equally and must have the provision like everyone. Social justice also argues that everyone should have provision of food, shelter, clothes and other provision. Social justice also argues that the benefits of the development must be reached to everyone.

d.     Participation

Both human rights and social justice talks about the participation. Human rights calls for the participation from the right to work whereas social justice calls for the participation from every class of society in order to make the better society.

e.      Government’s Accountability

Both human rights and social justice calls for the government’s accountability to make a better society. Human rights call for the government’s action to implement and protect human rights of every people whereas social justice calls the government’s for protecting and providing provision to every class of the society.


Human rights and social justice are inter-related to each other. They not only share some common points but they also can’t exist in the absence of another. In the absence of human rights, there will be discrimination, increase in crime and tyranny, in this case the social justice can’t exist. In the absence of social justice, the existence of human rights is a complete waste.

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