Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) in Nepal


Nepal has also agreed to follow the 12 Critical Concern Areas of BPFA. Nepal was also participants. According to the commitment, Nepal has made some great Policy, Legislation and Institutional changes in order to maintain gender equality through BPFA. Some of the changes are mentioned below according to the Critical Areas of Concern:

1.Women and Poverty

a. In the 10th Plan, it was identified gender equality as a key to poverty analysis and emphasized on poverty through the empowerment of women.

b. Amendment of Civil Code to give equal inheritance right.

c. Practices of Micro-Credit programmes like Production Credit for Rural Women (PCR) and Micro-Credit Project for Women (MCPW), initiation of Jagirti Women’s Empowerment and Income Generation Programe

2. Education and Training of Women

a. Community Owned Primary Education Programme (COPE) launched to provide equality and quality primary education with a special focus on girls.

b. Alternative Schooling/Out of school Programme

c. Scholarship programme for girls

d. Female teacher recruitment and training

e. Women Literacy Programme I, II and III

3. Women and Health

a. GRB gives priority to women’s health in general and reproductive health in particular.

b. Women’s Bill for establishing women’s reproductive right of abortion under certain circumstances.

c. Gender Assessment of the health sector.

d. Population Perspective Plan addressed the women’s sexual and reproductive health in a holistic manner.

4. Violence Against Women

a. 10th  Plan addressed traditional violence against women and to provide legal aid, rehabilitation and reintegration of girls women affected by trafficking.

b. A National Rapporteur on Trafficking has been appointed placed in the Human Rights Commission.

c. 11th Amendment of the Civil Code in 2002 has taken the steps in addressing the violence against women by raising the imprisonment term for rape and rape against pregnant women and disabled women.

d. Two Landmark Decision :

a. Rape within the marriage has been criminalized.

b. Court declared the less punishment against rape of prostitution as unconstitutional and discriminatory against women.

5. Women and Armed Conflict

a. Service and facilities such as free education and skill training, free basic health services, psycho-social counselling, easy access to financial investment and legal help will be extended to conflict affected women.

b. Cases of sexual exploitation and any kind of violence and infringement of women during conflict will be investigated and brought to justice.

6. Women and Economy

a. Micro Credit projects for women.

b. Acknowledging the works and economic values of women in the census.

c. 10th Plan has recognized “Gender Equality” as one of its main goals of poverty alleviation.

7. Women in Power and Decision Making

a. 10th Plan has targeted 20% female in decision making.

b. LSGA has introduced mandatory women’s representation in councils, executive committes and ward committees of VDC,DDC and municipality.

c. 33% representation of women in state machinery

8. Human Rights of Women

a. Inheritance of property for women

b. Ensuring of equal right to women by labor bill.

c. Legislation of the Human Rights Commission Acti 1993

9. Women and the Media

a. Formulation of Sancharika Samuha

b. Establishment of Mahila Web-an website for sharing information on women and gender issues, nationality, regionally and globally.

10. Institutional Development for the Promotion of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

i. Establishment of Gender Focal Points (GFP) in all development and administrative agencies, commissions and other governmental functionaries.

ii. Central Bureau of Statistics has instituted gender sensitive national economy.

iii. Formulation of National Women’s Comission

iv. Establishment of Gender Mainstreaming Process in Nepal

v. Establishment of National CEDAW committee

11. Women and the Environment

a. 10th Year Plan created employment opportunities for the poor women by enhancing their skills through trainings on technology and environment while preserving forest and protecting environment.

b. Ministry of Population and Environment adopted a strategy to involve women in decision making process related to environment.

c. The women’s NGO have been granted the fund.

12. The Girl Child

a. GoN ratified both Optional Protocols of the CRC on the sale of children, Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Involvement of Child in Armed Conflict.

b. GoN has formulated a 10 year NPA for protection of children.

c. GoN has adopted an inclusive approach in the child rights and development programmes.

Although, the above changes, women and girl are still backward and are facing many types of discrimination. An old women is beaten to death as she has been labelled as Bausi  (Witch), Nirmala, a girl is raped and the culprit is walking freely, Susmita, an women from Butwal is beaten to death by her husband family, and many more. There are many incidents which tell the failure of the government and society to fully implement BPFA.

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