Non-Verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication (NVC) is the transmission of messages or signals through a nonverbal platform such as eye contactfacial expressions, gestures, posture, and the distance between two individuals. Nonverbal communication is stimuli produced by speaker and use of environment without the use of words or verbal codes. The speaker might be consciously or unconsciously doing it and accompanies all communication mostly in face to face communication. It is also called manual language.

The term nonverbal communication was introduced in 1956 by psychiatrist Jurgen Ruesch and author Weldon Kees in the book "Nonverbal Communication: Notes on the Visual Perception of Human Relations."

Both verbal and non-verbal communication are sent side by side on two levels or simultaneously. Non-verbal communication is used to express emotions, feelings and thoughts. It can be used to steer conversation to a particular direction as it generates powerful reactions.

Touch, eye contact, glance, vocal intonation, proximity, volume, gestures, facial expression, posture, smell, dress, sounds, silence, etc. are some forms of non-verbal communication. They play a vital part in setting the meaning and intention of message as communication is much more than meaning of words. It not only includes explicit meaning of words but also implicit meanings through non-verbal signs.

According to a research by Albert Mehrabian, words (what we say) constitutes of only 7% of our communication whereas 38% communication happens by para-verbal communication (how we say it i.e tone of voice, modulation, pauses, rhythm, etc.) and 55% is communicated by non-verbal ways (expressions, actions, body movements, etc.) 

Cultural context of non-verbal communication tells that people learn to decipher non-verbal cues as they grow up from other people and by trial and error method. It is a learnt behavior which is passed on through culture. So, non-verbal communication is cultural specific and can be different from one culture to another.

Examples: Expressions and actions says more about a person which includes smile, appearance, hands, etc. Dances like opera, ballet or salsa are used to express. Silent movies are other examples which show that non-verbal communications are better at communicating than movies with dialogs. Films like The Artist (2011), The Kid (1921), City Lights (1931), and Battleship Potemkin (1925) produce more emotions than movies that have dialogs and words. Signs and symbols used in games and military are also some examples of non-verbal communication.

Saying “I am alright” with sad expression had different implications than saying it with a smile. The first one contradicts what the person is saying in words while the second communication compliments it. Non-verbal communication is mostly true while verbal communication can be false. 

Types of non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication can be basically divided into two types:

  • Message produced by body
  • Message produced by setting (environment)

Similarly, another set of types of non-verbal communication are:

  • Kinesics (body movements)
  • Proxemics (personal space, distance, closeness)
  • Posture
  • Eye contact
  • Para-language
  • Facial expressions
  • Paralinguistic (Vocal intonations)
  • Body movements
  • Gestures
  • Touch or haptic
  • Silence
  • Object Communication (First impression or appearance)
  • Symbols and signs
  • Adapters
  • Sign language and codes (Morse)
  • Dance and acting

Importance of non-verbal communication

Action always speaks louder than words as nonverbal communication constitutes about two-thirds of communication. Non-verbal communication is what people communicate through actions. Non-verbal cues are important in communication, sometimes more important than verbal as it can have impact and influence on the people who listens.

Communication is only effective when non-verbal communication compliments verbal communication and accentuates it. It is more important as people do not have control over their nonverbal in contrast to their verbal communication as non-verbal communication is more natural. Lack of body language shows speaking false and give wrong meaning to any message.  

Non-verbal communication reinforces meaning or modifies meaning of any message. It shows the emotional state of a person and relationship between people interacting (personal space). It also defines relationship between people like a couple kissing might show that they are in a relationship. Non-verbal cues provide instant feedback of message given by somebody else.

Importance of Non-verbal communication can be shown in the following points:

a. It conveys empathy and emotions.

Non-verbal communication is used to show emotions like happiness, anger, sadness, interest, curiosity, hurt, annoyance, anxiety, embarrassment, pleasure, hope, etc. People show these emotions unconsciously most of the times.They express their empathy through non-verbal communication too. People do not unconsciously fake non-verbal communication but only sometimes do it deliberately. When you communicate, you must compliment what you say with your gestures and body language. You should also work to notice the non-verbal cues of the people you are interacting with.

b. It helps in proper interpretation.

Interpretation of non-verbal signals us not very easy at all times as it differs from person to person and culture to culture as well as non-verbal communication does not have fixed meanings and is different according to contexts. But noticing and interpreting it properly gives us an advantage over the other person. We learn to do it since childhood and we try to interpret consciously when we need it. Misinterpretations can destroy relationships and creates problems.

c. It is instinctive in Nature.

As non-verbal communication is based on instinct mostly, people speak truth. We should believe non-verbal massages more than verbal messages if there is a conflict between two people. They show non-verbal cues as an instinct and accompany verbal communication.Non-verbal communications are mostly natural like crying or laughing or having a personal space. Not only humans, some animals also show this kind of behavior.

d. It increases workplace efficiency.

Non-verbal communication makes work in offices better. It can also help in interviews and businesses. Many other professions like teachers, journalists, lawyers, doctors, etc. need to communicate in regular basis. If their non-verbal communication is not up to the mark, then their work will suffer. For example, eye contact in interviews and meetings show confidence and interest. While eye contact shows those things, it can also show over confidence. It also shows trustworthiness and accuracy of intentions.

e. It helps in better understanding of messages.

Non-verbal communication increases understanding of messages. When verbal and nonverbal communication are similar, it establishes better perspective on the message being sent. The sender of message as well as receiver gets what is the intended meaning of the message and can act accordingly. Process of sending and receiving of message is successful and gets desired results.

Principles of Non-verbal Communication

  • Supplements or replaces verbal communication
  • Regulates interaction
  • Establish relationship level meanings (responsiveness, liking, power)
  • Reflects and expresses cultural values
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