Role of Federal and Local Government to Implement Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)


Role of Federal Government to implement GRB:

a.      Addressing the gaps in the design and implementation of the GBR,

b.     Embedding GRB entry points early on in the prioritization stage of budgets,

c.      Facilitating greater adoption of GRB at the subnational level, including measures to ensure participation of the most marginalized women in planning and revising of the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) policies to reinforce institutionalization of GRB.

d.     Focusing on post-allocation classification at both federal and local level rather than focusing on pre-allocation exercise.

e.      Improving the availability of sex disaggregated data essential for assessing budgetary impact,

f.       Proper monitoring of expenditures to ensure that gender responsive interventions are being adequately funded,

g.     Institutionalization at both national and local levels, with the engagement of women, senior male public servants, and officeholders,

h.     Budget statements, inclusive of qualitative and quantitative information.

i.       Decentralizing GRB at local levels

j.       Ending GBV through allocating budget for program


Role of Local Government to implement GRB:

1.     Establish linkage of program and budget with gender equality

2.     Increase meaningful participation of women in all ranges of program

3.     Capacitate the community to evaluate projects/programs

4.     Establishing women and children office- gender focal agency at local level.

5.     Gender mainstreaming training for Gender Focal Person and Village Municipalities secretaries during planning phase

6.     Integrated Development Program for Violence against Women and children

7.     Introducing performance/outcome based approaches and evaluation



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