Demand, it's Types and Determinants



It is an effective desire which is backed up by both willingness and ability of the consumer to pay for the goods. It is the amount of goods which is bought at the price at the given period of time. Conditions for the Effective demand:

a.      Desire for specific commodity.

b.     Sufficient resources to purchase the desired commodity.

c.      Willingness to spend the resources

Types of Demand:

1. Price demand:

Price demand refers to the different quantities of the commodity or service which consumers will purchase at a given time and at given prices, assuming other things remaining the same. It is the price demand with which people are mostly concerned and as such price demand is an important notion in economics. Price demand has inverse relation with the price. As the price of commodity increases its demand falls and as the price decreases, its demand rises.

2. Income demand:

Income demand refers to the different quantities of a commodity or service which consumers will buy at different levels of income, assuming other things remaining constant. Usually the demand for a commodity increases as the income of a person increases unless the commodity happens to be an inferior product. For example, coarse grain is a cheap or inferior commodity. The demand for such commodities decreases as the income of a person increases. Thus, the demand for inferior or cheap goods is inversely related with the income.

3. Cross demand:

When the demand for a commodity depends not on its price but on the price of other related commodities, it is called cross demand. Here we take closely connected or related goods which are substitutes for one another.

For example, tea and coffee are substitutes for one another. If the price of coffee rises, the consumer will be induced to buy more of tea and, hence, the demand of tea will increase. Thus in case of substitutes, when the price of one related commodity rises, the demand of the other related commodity increases and vice-versa.

But in case of complimentary or joint demand goods, e.g., pen and ink, horses and carriages etc. when the price of one commodity rises, the demand for it will fall and as a result of it the demand for the other joint commodity also falls (even though its price remains the same). For example, if the price of horses increases, their demand will fall and as a result of it the demand for carriages will also fall even though their price does not change.

4. Direct demand:

Commodities or services which satisfy our wants directly are said to have direct demand. For example, all consumer goods satisfy our wants directly, so they are said to have direct demand.

5. Derived demand or Indirect demand:

Commodities or services demanded for producing goods which satisfy our wants directly are said to have derived demand. For example, demand for a factor of production (say labor) is a derived demand because labor is demanded to help in the construction of houses which will directly satisfy consumers’ demand.

Thus, the demand for labor which helps us in making a house in a case of indirect or derived demand. The demand for labor is called derived demand because its demand is derived from the demand of a house.

6. Joint demand:

In finished products as in case of bread, there is need for so many things—the services of the flour mill, oven, fuel, etc. The demand for them is called joint demand. Similarly for the construction of a house we require land, labor, capital, organization and materials like cement, bricks, lime, etc. The demand for them is, thus, called a ‘joint demand.’

7. Composite demand:

A commodity is said to have a composite demand when its use is made in more than one purpose. For example the demand for coal is composite demand as coal has many uses—as fuel for a boiler of a factory, for domestic fuel, for oven for steam-making in railways engine, etc.

Determinants of Demand

Price of the given commodity

Other things remaining constant, the rise in price of the commodity, the demand for the commodity contracts, and with the fall in price, its demand increases.

Price of related goods

Demand for the given commodity is affected by price of the related goods, which is called cross price demand. There are two types of related goods which are as follows:

a.      Substitute Goods

These goods are those goods which can be used in absence of another goods. In case of these goods, if the price of one rises, the demand for another rises and vice-versa. For eg: Tea and coffee are substitute goods, if the price of tea increases, assuming price of coffee as constant, the demand for coffee will increase and vice-versa.

b.     Complementary Goods

Those goods are complementary goods which are jointly used to satisfy a particular want. In case of these goods, if there is rise in price of one good assuming  price of related goods constant, the demand for the other good will fall and vice-versa. For eg: Pen and Ink, if price of pen rises, assuming price of ink constant, the demand for ink will decrease.

Income of the individual consumer

Change in consumer’s level of income also influences their demand for different commodities. Normally, the demand for certain goods increase with the increasing level of income and vice versa.

Tastes and preferences

The taste and preferences of individuals also determine the demand made for certain goods and services. Factors such as climate, fashion, advertisement, innovation, etc. affect the taste and preference of the consumers.

Expectation of change in price in the future

If the price of the commodity is expected to rise in the future, the consumer will be willing to purchase more of the commodity at the existing price. However, if the future price is expected to fall, the demand for that commodity decreases at present.

Size and composition of population

The market demand for a commodity increases with the increase in the size and composition of the total population. For instance, with the increase in total population size, there is an increase in the number of buyers. Likewise, with an increase in the male composition of the population, the demand for goods meant for male increases.

Season and weather

The market demand for a certain commodity is also affected by the current weather conditions. For instance, the demand for cold beverages increase during summer season.

Distribution of income

In case of equal distribution of income in the economy, the market demand for a commodity remains less. With an increase in the unequal distribution of income, the demand for certain goods increase as most people will have the ability to buy certain goods and commodities, especially luxury goods.

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