Decentralization, Development and Democratic Governance of Nation go Hand in Hand

Decentralization: It is the establishment of local bodies outside the regular bureaucratic structure. It is the transfer of authority and responsibility for public functions from the central government to subordinate or quasi-independent local bodies or private sector. It refers to the restructuring of authority so that there is a system of co-responsibility between the institutions of governance at the central, regional and local levels.

Development: According to MP tomato, development is process of improving the quality of all human lives with three equally important aspects:

A)    Raising people's living levels i.e. income and consumption, level of foods, medical services, education through relevant growth process.

B)     Creating conditions conductive to the growth of peoples self esteem through the establishment of social, political and economic systems and institutions which promote human dignity and respect.

C)      Increasing peoples freedom to choose by enlarging the range of their choice variables eg; varieties of goods and services.

Democratic Governance: It is running the government according to the principles of democracy i.e. increasing participation of people, listening the opinions of people on public policy. Democratic governance runs on the principle of: of the people,by the people, from the people and for the people

Relationship between Decentralization, Democratic Governance and Development:

As above mentioned in the definition, decentralization transfers the authority from the center to the people. This transfer of authority enables the people to develop development according to their needs, increase their participation, making people freedom to choose their leaders and policy. These all are the aspirations of development and democratic governance. The above mentioned definition of development according to Todaro clearly shows the principle of decentralization and democratic governance. The main point of Todaros definition are:

A)    Raising people's living levels i.e. income and consumption, level of foods, medical services, education through relevant growth process.

The rise mentioned in this definition can only be achieved through decentralization since if the authority over resources and finance comes on the hand of the people.

B)     Creating conditions conductive to the growth of peoples self esteem through the establishment of social, political and economic systems and institutions which promote human dignity and respect.

The conditions described in the above point can only be achieved when there is democratic governance and decentralization. When there is democratic governance, people can express their opinions and views which help to build their self-esteem and the required social, political and economic systems and institutions is only possible when the decentralization is effectively implemented.

C)      Increasing peoples freedom to choose by enlarging the range of their choice variables eg; varieties of goods and services.

Freedom to choose and Freedom to express can only be achieved through the democratic governance. Country which is ruled under the autocracy can never achieve and never allow the freedom to the people.


The main requirement of democratic governance is decentralization. Democratic Governance is only possible through the decentralization. Democratic governance runs according to the principle and proposal of decentralization where people can choose their leaders and where the authority resides on the hands of the people. In the absence of decentralization, the existence of democratic governance is only myth. In the unitary states, the democratic governance is almost impossible since people are not allowed to choose their leaders.

Development is not only about the economic growth but rather a freedom to express opinions. When there is not that freedom, the democratic governance has not any authenticity.

Conclusion: Hence, decentralization, democratic governance and decentralization are the three sides of the triangle and these can’t exist without others.

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