Elements or Characteristics of the Good Governance:

1. Participation
Participation means active involvement of all stakeholders in the process of development by policy making, prioritizing issues, accessibility to public
goods and services and also allocating resources. It is the political dimension of the good governance. Good Governance requires the participation of all men and women including physical challenged one. Traditionally, the participation was recognized as the "top-down approach" which refers to the government monopoly in both responsibilities and power. But today, the government works in hand with other sectors of the society and considers them the partners of government in attaining different goals which is knows as "horizontal system" or " bottom-up approach". From human rights stand, people have the rights to participate in decisions that affect them and also seek justice if they are denied of these rights.
2. Rule of Law
It means that everybody in the system is equal before the law and the law is implemented in impartial manner. It is an essential ingredient of Good Governance and cornerstone of democracy. Good Governance requires fair legal framework that are enforced impartially and protects human rights. Through the rule of law people express their will and exercise their soverignity. It sees that the operating and functioning environment of the society must be based on objectives laws and there must not be any fancies of  anyone who is powerful or influential. The rule of law demands the following things:
a. People and civil society  renders habitual obedience to the rule of law.
b. Government acts within the functions and powers prescribed by the law.
c. Laws are responsive to the needs of the society.
The absence of rule of law is anarchy and it happened when people act in disregard of the law or the government acts beyond their powers. The strengthening of rule of law sees reforms in enforcement agencies. In conclusion, rule of law means "peace and order", "absence of corruption","impartial and effective judiciary system", "observance and protection of human rights" and "clear,publicized and stable laws".
3. Equity and Inclusiveness
Equity means everyone is equal and has equal opportunity in a community disregard of his or her cast, gender, color, race, religion or faith and social status. Inclusiveness means consideration of interests, aspirations and opinions of all individuals and groups living in a society while formulating plans and policies meant for the society. Equity and inclusiveness are the bases of the human rights standard of a society and essence of social justice as a fundamental principle of governance within a human community. A society's well being depends on ensuring that all its members feel that they have partnership in it and do not feel excluded from the mainstream of the society. It is based on the principle that who have less in life should have more in laws.
4. Transparency
It means  that processes, institutions and information are directly accessible to all the people of the society. It is built on the free flow of information. It promotes the openness of government action, decision making processes and consultative processes among public sector and all stakeholders. It can be strengthened through the citizen's right to information with a degree of legal enforceability. As an indicator of the good governance, it means people are open to information regarding decision making process and the implementation of the same. Lack of transparency in the society creates environment for corruption which is harmful to the progress and welfare of the society.
5. Responsiveness
It means that the requests and requirements of the people are addressed in the punctual manner. A deliberative unnecessary delay by the service providers in performing their duties towards the people must be avoided at any cost. It must be ensured that service delivery system must have a provision of the time and period clause to accomplish their duties within a predictable time.
6. Consensus and Legitimacy
Consensus usually means collaboration rather than compromise. To secure the peace and harmony there must be the consensus among the various stakeholders, hence, the governance structure and functioning obtains legitimacy from whole community. To meet the consensus, a strong, impartial and flexible meditation structure must be established. Instead of one opinion being adopted by a plurality, stakeholders are brought together until a convergent decision is developed. Consensus decision making is a process that not only seeks an agreement of most participants but also mitigates the objectives of the minority to achieve the most agreeable decision. Public hearings or consultations in arriving at a consensus are necessary in the process of governance.
7. Effectiveness and Efficiency
It is the technical aspect of the good governance. The concept of  efficiency in the good governance covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the environment. Good governance requires that the institutions, processes and actors could deliver and meet the necessities of the society in a way that available resources are utilized efficiently and effectively. Efficiency and effectiveness of resources must go necessarily together to ensure the best possible results for the community. To achieve effectiveness and efficiency, good governance principles prescribe a competitive economic environment, capacity building of the institutions and required training to the personnel.
8. Accountability
It means that decision makers in the government sector are answerable to the public as well as to the institutional stakeholders for their action or lapses. It also means answerability or responsibility for one's action.
Principle of Accountability:
a. Every person or group is responsible for their action most especially when their acts affect public interests.
b. Information sharing and transparency must be promoted by government structures.

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