I have a dream

Injustice literally is the practice of doing unjust 

activities, the powerless or the minority by the dominant group. Such unjust activity might include economical exploitation, sexually violent, child labor, harassment, banning from opportunity etc. Injustice appears in many forms, there may be unjust in a race or to a gender, or to certain geographic location. Injustice can also take cultural form.
Martin Luther has presented an example of injustice committed by the White upon the Negroes. It is an example of racial injustice, in which only the Whites were enjoying the fruits of development but the Negroes were devoid of education, job, voting rights and many other civil rights.
In the context of Nepal, we have experienced Gender based injustice a lot. In the male dominated Nepalese society, a women is not giving her full rights to her capacity, Often the case is that, father controls the wife the whole life and her son controls after the deaths of her husband. The male people on the other hand have better facilities and decision making opportunity.
We can also observe injustice on the basis of geographic location and physical condition of a person. Physically handicapped people are treated with despise and hatred. Cruelty and violence is more upon disable people. People from remote geography lack many opportunities which the urban population enjoys.
Injustice, therefore, is inhuman, cruel and against humanity
Summary Written by-Binisha Ghalan

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