
A process is a series of step or actions taken to accomplish a goal or result. Process writing means writing about a process for other to read and follow. Writing about a process means giving a detailed explanations

of the steps required to complete the process.
A process essays explains how to do something or how something occurs. It presents a sequence of steps and show how those steps lead to a particular result. Process like narrative presents events in chronological order. 

To write an effective process essay, keep the following points in mind;

1) Order the essay chronologically
2) Explain each stage in a different paragraph. 
3) Be clear and thorough in the explanations of the steps.
4) Be careful of your  pronouns. 
5) Don't number the steps.
6) Donot use imperative sentences; otherwise you'll end up with an instruction  manual and not an essay.

Like other essay, a process essay generally consists of three main sections. 
A) Introduction 
B) Body 
C) Conclusion 

a) Introduction

The introduction identifies the process and indicates why and under what circumstances it is performed. This sections may include information about materials or preliminary preparation or it may  present an overview of the process. 

b) Body 

Each paragraph in the body of the essay typically treats one major stage of the procedure. Each stage may group several steps, depending on the nature and complexity of the process. These steps are presented in chronological order. Every steps must be included and must appear in its proper  place. Throughout the body of a process essay, transitional words and phrases ensure that each step,  each stage, and paragraph leads logically to the next.

c) Conclusion 

A short process essay may not need a formal conclusion. If an essay doesnot have a conclusion, however, it will often briefly review the procedure's major stages. Such an ending is especially useful if the paper  has outlined a very long or particularly technical procedure that may seem complicated to general readers. The conclusion may also reinforce the thesis by summarizing the results of the process or explaining its significance.

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