Self-Reliance Local Government/ Self-Reliance Development:

It is defined by independence. It is the ability to think and act without the help or
influence of others. It is the ability to decide what you should be or do. It is linked with the community development and related to the terminologies like self-help, mutual help, indigenous participation and rural development. It encourages the need of improving living conditions of people by using home initiatives and resources. It is considered as the new blue print of community development. It relies on internal resources as opposed to those developments that relies heavily on external resources but it should not be considered as autarky as it allows external support. Poor and disadvantage people find extremely difficult to improve their living without outside help in such a condition, external help or support can serve as a catalyst or provide the push for action against poverty or improve standard and even to sustain improvement conditions.
Principles of Self-Reliance Development:
1.      The outsider must make a positive difference in the living conditions of the doer ( i.e. helped ) which means the impact of the helper must be seen as felt.
2.     The doer ( the helped ) must own and implement the program or plan the assistance.
3.     The outsider must see the world through the eyes of the doer and respect the autonomy of the doer.
4.     The help or support must not undercut the autonomy of the doer.
5.      The help must be for a limited period of time.
Vital Elements for Self-Reliance Development:
1.     Sufficient and Sustainable resources
2.      Capacity building of local actors
3.      Empowerment of general people
4.      Institutionalization of democratic system
5.      Promotion of rule of law
6.     Bottom-up planning, monitoring and evaluation
7.     Political will, honesty and stability.

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