Classification and Division

Division is the process of breaking a whole into parts. Classification is the process of sorting individual items into categories. Through classification and divison, we can make sense of seemingly

random ideas by putting scattered bits of information into useful, coherent order. By breaking a large group into smaller categories and assigning individual items to larger categories, we are able to identify relationship between a whole and its parts and among the parts themselves.

Understanding Classification and Division

When you classify, you begin with individual items and sort them into categories. Since most things have several different attributes, they can be classified in several different ways. Take as an example the student who attend your school. The most obvious way to classify these individual might be according to their year in college. But you could also classify students according to their major, racial or ethnic background, home stage, grade point average, or any number of other principles.
Division is the opposite of classification. When you divide, you start with a whole and break into its individual parts - smaller, more specific classes called subclasses. For example, you might start with the large general class television shows and divide it into smaller subclasses; comedy, drama, action/ adventure and so forth. You could then divide each of these subclasses still further. Action/adventure programs, for example, might include western, police shows and so on. Each of these subclasses could be divided as well.

Formulating a Thesis Statement

Like other kind of essays, a classification and Division essay must have a thesis. Your thesis statement should identify your subject, present the categories you will discuss, and perphas show reader the relationship of your categories to one another and to the subject as whole. In addition, your thesis statement should tell your reader why you categories are significant or establish their relative value.

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