Capability Approach

Objectives of Development

" Development can be seen as a process of expanding the real

freedoms that people enjoy" - sen development as freedom
The goal of development is the " promotion and expansion of valuable capabilities " - sen, Development as Capabilitiy Expansion
Sens puts," Economic growth cannot be sensibly treated as an end in itself. Development has to be more concerned with enhancing the lives we lead and freedom we enjoy."
People are the real wealth of nations. The basic purpose of development is to enlarge human freedoms. The process of development can expand human capabilities by expanding the choices to live full and creative lives. People are both the beneficiaries and the agents of the progress and change. This process must benefits all individual equitably and build on the participation of each of them.

* Capability

Capability is the freedom to achieve valuable beings and doings. In other words ; it is the freedom to achieve something that an individual values in his life. Example of basic capabilities: to survive, avoid or escape povery, recover from disasters.

* Functioning's

It is valuable beings and doings. These are the 'ends' and means of human life. They can be elementary escaping morbidity and mortality; nourishment; mobility.  They can be complex self-respect , participation in community life, ability to appear in public without shame. Functioning are the various things a person may value doing or being. Functioning are costitutive of a person being . 
Achieved Functioning: measurable, observable, comparable.  Example; literacy, life expectancy. 

* Capabilities and Functioning 

(1) Functioning are an achievement whereas capability is the ability to achieve. 

(2) Functioning's are observable whereas capabilities are unobservable.

(3) Example of functioning ; escaping from hunger, acquiring knowledge, self esteem etc and Example of capability; to survive, avoid or escape poverty, recover from disasters.

 (4) For functioning's Outcomes= what people can be functions whereas for capabilities = what people can do freedoms. 

* Development as freedom 

Consequently development requires to remove unfreedoms- poverty, tyranny, poor economic opportunities, social deprivation and unfreedoms constitutes famine, malnutrition, lack of access to health, inequality, denial of politicial liberty and civil rights. Development is an integrated process of expanding economic, political and social freedoms.

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