Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies -W. Shakespeare

The poem “Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies” is written by William Shakespeare. In this poem,
Ferdinand, prince of Naples is getting sad because he thinks his father is dead of drowning. In order to give consolation on this tragedy, angle spirit comes to consult him and says that, his father is 30ft. below the surface of sea, his bones have been changed into coral, the eyes into pearls. And remarkably, no parts of his body will be useless rather his father will transfer into something rich, strange, and valuable. That time, the sea nymphs will offer prayers by ringing at hourly intervals.

The poem is significant for two reasons; musically, the poem has rhyme, and onomatopoeia i.e. Ding-dongs. The philosophical meaning of this poem is that, death is a platform which takes to the spiritual world where immortality began. Death is not the end of existence rather it is a passage from one form of existence to another.                                                                                                                                                                                    Intellectual Property of Binisha Ghalan                

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