Comparison and Contrast

In the narrowest sense, comparison shows how two or more things are similar and Contrast shows how they are different. In most writing situation, however, you use the two related process of comparison and contrast to 

consider both similarities and difference. A special form of comparison, called analogy, looks for similarities between two essentially dissimilar things. An analogy explains more things by comparing it to second things that is more familiar than the first.

* Ways of Comparison and Contrast

1) Point by point
2) Subject by subject

a) Point by point comparison

When you write point by point comparison, you first make a point about one subject and then follow it with a comparable point about the other. This alternating pattern continues throughout the body of your essay until all your comparison or contrast have been made. Point by point comparison are especially useful for longer, more complicated essays in which you discuss many different points. In a point by point essays, reader can easily follow comparison and contrast.

b) Subject by subject comparison

In subject by subject comparison, you essentially write a separate essay about each subject, but you discuss the same points for both subjects. In discussion each subject, you use the same basic of comparison to guide your selection of supporting points, and you arrange these points in some logical order, usually in order of their increasing significance. Subject by subject comparison are most appropriate for short, uncomplicated papers.

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