Only Daughter - Sandra Cisneros

'Only Daughter' is an essay written by Sandra Cisneros. Sandra Cisneros is a young girl, growing as the only daughter of six other brothers and learns a lot about each other. The authors tells us how 

how she sometimes felt left out because her father would always tell everyone he was the father sons. She wants to her father to understand that she is important also, but the father divert his attention to her brothers. Her father would praise his sons for being doctors but was disappointed when his daughter graduated from college without husband. Her father says that he has wasted her education because she still hasn't got a husband. She later says that she always was writing for her father. After ten years of writing professionally one of her books was sold to a major New York publishing house. Then she flew home to Chicago for Christmas to be with her family. Her father has grown much more sickly, he reads one of her work that has been translated to Spanish and he likes it a lot. Her father looked up and asked, " Where can we get more copies of this for the relatives." At the end of reading the father became very proud to her daughter.

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