Function of NHRC in Nepal

  1. Respect, Protect and Promote human rights and ensure effective enforcement of human rights.
  2. Inquire on on petition or complaint sent to the Commission and investigate complaints about the violations of human rights of an individual or group and make recommendation for action against the perpetrators.
  3. Recommend to the concerned authority to take departmental action against any official, who fails to fulfill or perform his or her responsibility or duty or shows reluctance in preventing violations of human rights.
  4. Recommend to file a case in the court in accordance with law against any person or organization who has violated human rights.
  5. Coordinate and collaborate with the civil society in order to enhance awareness on human rights.
  6. Carry out periodic reviews of the relevant laws relating to human rights and make recommendation to the Government of Nepal for necessary improvements and amendments to such laws.
  7. Recommend Government of Nepal for the implementation of any international treaty or agreement on human rights, to which Nepal is a party.
  8. Publish, in accordance with law, the names of the officials, persons or bodies who have failed to observe or implement any recommendations or directives made or given by the Commission in relation to the violations of human rights, and record them as violators of human rights.

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