The Tell Tale Heart

“The Tell-Tale Heart” is a psychological and strange story written by Edgar Allan Poe. The unnamed narrator of the story is probably a boy who lives in an old man’s 

house. The narrator claims that he is mad as he could hear things in the heaven, earth and hell. He is suffering from the nervous disease. He is over sensitive to hearing. To justify him saint, he confess dangerous crime he has committed.
The narrator and the old man used to reside together, they had very good relationship. The boy used to love the man very much. The only thing that irritated the boy was the eyes of him. To the end consequences, he went to the old man’s room continuously for seven days. But he returned as he couldn’t see the eyes of the man. In the morning he used to speak politely and behaved as nothing happen. On the eight nights, he usual went there with touch-light. He did everything stealing and cautiously. Despite it, he touch tin fastening, which dropped and distributed the sleep of the man. In desperation, he asked who it was. The boy remained speechless and motionless. A little layer his scene brought him the reason that the old man easy asleep again, he aimed the beam towards the old man’s eyes. As he saw them, he grew angry. Then he jumped towards the man, dragged the man and pressed his nick with the bed. At last, he dismembered the old man’s dead body and put it under the plank. After it, he cleaned the place spotlessly. It was already four when he finished the task.
At four, the three policeman appeared and rang the bell. The boy went there; welcome them and brought to his room and took to every nook and corner of his house. The police man didn’t suspect any wrong there. The boy took them to the spot where he had hidden the corpse of the old man. He cordially asked them to sit on the chair, which he had kept there. He sat there just over the plank. Even after taking long, they didn’t go away. The boy felt uneasy. He heard the sound of the heart that he mistook as old’s man heart. Being unbearable, he told them that he killed the old man. Summary Written by-Binisha Ghalan

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