
- A logical way of presenting ideas.
- User reasons or logic to support the main idea.
- Connects a series of logical statement and leads to a conclusion.
- It is different from persuasion because it doesnot

try to move the audience towards certain action.
- It has fixed structure: an argument makes points, supplies evidence, establishes a logical chain of reasoning, refutes opposing arguments and accommodates the views of audience.

Purpose of Argumentation

a) To persuade other people to accept your idea/ position.
b) To defend your position.
c) To refute/ reject/ deny a position you believe to be wrong or misguided or false.

Argumentation and Persuasion

- Persuasion is a general term that refers to a method to make someone believe something by giving them a good reasons to do it or by taking them and making them believe it.
- A method by which a writer try to moves an audience to adopt a belief.
- To persuade an audience, a writer may use various appeals - to the emotions, reason and ethics.

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

a) Deductive Reasoning

1) In deductive reasoning, the reasoning proceeds from general to specific conclusion.
2) In deductive reasoning the conclusion derived from general premises has high probability of being valid.
3) It is considered as a reliable way of reasoning. However, it may aslo fail to give valid conclusion. 
4) Example: All the boys of BDEVS first semester are laborious, Sagar is also a student of BDEVS first semester. Therefore, he is also laborious. 

b) Inductive Reasoning 

1) In inductive reasoning the arguments move from specific to general conclusion. 
2) There is high probability of deriving invalid conclusion. 
3) Mostly used by scientists. 
4) Example: 
I have an apple. This Apple is not sweet. This apple is taken from Ram's bag. There are 50 apples in his bag. So, all the apples in Ram's bag are not sweet.

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