Women's Business

An essay “ Women’s Business” is written by Ilene Kantrov.

And it is based on real story. In this essay, the author explains that women can also do business and also can achieve and grab a huge profit. So for the proof, author gave an examples of successful entrepreneur.
Lydia Pinkham is one of the successful and famous entrepreneur. She had a shop and used to sell vegetable compound. In business she mixed the social activities with business. For example, she used to sell the commodities and as well as services too. She used to give suggestion to female and used to consult about women hygiene. Importantly, she used to say, if they bought her vegetable compound than women problems like falling of womb, infertility could be cure. Similarly, now she used to suggest to bypass the male doctors. By this, she earned $ 200,000 per year. And she became famous in business. That’s why her foot step was followed by many other women entrepreneurs.
Annie was one follower of Lydia Pinkham. She opened a hair dressing where she sold both goods and services as well. She used to convince to focus on good hygiene. Similarly, Marlone was also one follower of Lydia Pinkham who started a cosmetic business. And she wrote book about her product. She also claimed that, her product would make women beautiful, not only in outer looks but also inwardly.
Similarly, Margaret also followed the foot step of Lydia Pinkham. She opened a resort related with tradition of Jewish. For her clients, she used to give a lot of ideas and also teach women to increase their husband income, and many mores too.
Summary Written by-Binisha Ghalan

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