Role of Various Stakeholders in Good Governance

a. Role of Government in the Good Governance:
1.Maintain rule of law
2. Capital formulation, fiscal policy, foreign policy
3. National defense
4. Investigating in social services and infrastructure
5. Protecting the vulnerable
6. Policies reducing regional disparity and maintaining national integrity
7. Maintaining accountability and transparency
8.Being consensus and legitimate
Role of Local Government Staff
Being responsible for council revenue collection and expenditure according to the approved budget.
Maintain political and public relations with councillors and other external stakeholders.
Implementation of council business through council and committee meetings.
Being responsible for policy formulation, co-ordination and accountability, and legal matters.
Formulating, coordinating and supervising implementation of plans for economic, social and industrial development in their areas of jurisdiction.
Monitoring and controlling the performance of duties and functions of the council and its staff.
Ensuring collection and the proper utilization of revenues of the council.
Making by-laws applicable throughout their areas of jurisdiction, and considering and improving by-laws made by village councils within their areas of jurisdiction.
Ensuring regulating and coordinating development plans, projects and programmes of villages and township authorities within their areas of jurisdiction.
Regulating and monitoring the collection and utilization of revenue of village and township authorities.
Subject to the laws in force, doing all such acts and things as may be done by a people’s government.
b.Role of Civil Society in Good Governance
Civil society can be defined as the voluntary organizations that are neither the part of the government, business nor family and performs the function like delivering services or trying to influence the development policies. It includes: NGOs, INGOs, Cooperatives, Registered and unregistered savings and credit organizations, community user groups and community based organizations.
Features of Civil Society:
 Democratic Governance structure
 Voluntary membership base
Non profit status
Focus on specific issues, functions or activities
Function of Civil society in Good Governance
mobilize human energy and creativity to address specific interests, serve community needs, undertake collective action and provide a common voice
provide organized means of dialogue and services
 raise awareness
receive and deliver services
undertake development actions
identify needs and provide feedbacks on policies
strengthen democracy and provide new forms of interest and solidarity
promote public participation develop democratic values like tolerance
 "watchdog" of holding governments and institutions to account
c. Role of Media in Good Governance
Medias are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The word "media" is derived from the word medium showing mode or carrier. It is the sword arm and fourth pillar of democracy.
Role of Media in Good Governance:
It acts as watchdog to protect public interest against malpractice and create awareness.
It inform people about the things that are happening.
 It helps to get justice for a lot of cases
It holds the government accountable on the behalf of the people
 It present the opinion of the people
It promote efficiency, effectiveness and integrity.
d. Role of I/NGO in Good Governance
They are the non-profit entities independent of government influences.
Role of NGO:
It can acquire land, construct housing, provide infrastructure and operate and maintain infrastructure such as wells or public toilets.
It supports innovation, demonstration and pilot projects.
It facilitates communication between government and people.
It provides technical assistance and training.
It research, monitors and evaluates the projects.
It advocates for the poor.

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