Self-Help Group(SHG)

It is a popular concept. It is almost two decade old. It help to increase economic
development of a country. It is now evolved as a movement.
Principle: It is based on the : group approach, mutual trust of small and manageable group, spirit of thrift, peer group pressure in re-payment, skill training, capacity building and empowerment
1.     It is a voluntary association.
2.     It has a member of 15-20 people.
3.     It has a collective goal.
4.     It has a feeling of mutual help/ mutual support.
5.     It is informal group.
6.     It addresses the group's common problems.
Role of SHG
1)     Most of its members are women as a result participation of women in the country's development is increasing.
2)     It helps to elevate the economic status of member families.
3)     It helps to boost in women empowerment.
4)     It can serve many different purposes depending on the situation and the need.

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