God's Grandeur - Gerard Manley Hopkins

God’s Grandeur” a sonnet is a praise of the magnificent and

glory of God. Here, God is the inspiration, the creator, the nature.
Hopkine say’s, the world is filled with the greatness of God which is expressed both instantly and in an indirect way. The radiance of shinning sword symbolized God’s immediate presence. Where as the Ooze of oil refers to slow and continued appearance of God. Hopkine further says the omnipresent nature of God is not understood by human beings. They are ignored, as well as selfish. People are materialistic, insensitive and commercial. Their faces are ugly and dirty because they don’t obey God’s rule.
However, the nature which the God has created is everlasting. It is beyond humans’ destruction. The depth of nature is fresh and beautiful. Beauty renews itself as per the direction of God such that, the sun alternates between going and coming. God is never angry because a mother doesn’t feel aggression with children. God protects the whole world like a mother hen broods it’s chicks under the warm breast.
This poem is an expression of God’s pervasive nature and the human beings insensitivity. God is regenerating the nature and universe. However, humans are damaging the freshness and beauty of earth, yet God is giving pardon like a mother does for children.
Summary Written by-Binisha Ghalan

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