Difference between Coming together and Holding together federalism

Coming Together Federalism
Holding Together Federalism
1. It involves independent states coming together on their own to form a bigger unit.
a. It involves the large country deciding to divide its power between the constituent states and national government.
2. In coming together, units try to increase their security by pooling sovereignity and retaining identity.
b. In holding together, there is absence of pooling sovereignity and retaining identity.
3. In this category, all the constituent units usually have equal power and are strong equal to the central government.
c. In this category, central government tend to be more powerful than the states and the units have unequal powers.
4. States can challenge and go against the decision of the center.
d. States cannot challenge and go against the decision of the center.
Eg: USA, Switzerland, Australia
Eg: Nepal, India, Spain

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