It is a process of comparing and assessing the law, policy or program that makes
possible to identity in a preventive way about the likelihood of a given decision has a negative consequences for the state of equality between women and men. It indicates the future result/ impact of the proposed policies, programs and projects after its implementation in a societies on men and women. The aim of GIA is to improve the design and planning of the policy under consideration in order to prevent a negative impact on gender, equality and to strengthen gender equality through better designed, transformative legislation and policies. It is used when drafting legislation, policies, programmes and projects.Importance of GIA:
1. It helps to strengthen gender equality.
2. It enables better governance.
3. It is a tool of learning.
Steps to conduct GIA:
Step 1: Definition of policy purpose of the planned policy, law or programme and show how it conducts with gender equality.
Step 2: Checking gender relevance which involves whether or not it is likely to impact gender equality.
Step 3: Gender Sensitive Analysis
Step 4: Proposals for improvement

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