Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)

It means preparing budgeting or analyzing them from a gender perspective. It is a
strategy of achieving gender equality between men and women by focusing on how public resources are allocated and spent. It is not creating separate budget for women. It seeks that need and interests of women and men from different groups are addressed in the government projects.
Steps of Encompassing GRB
1.     Analysis of budgets and policies from a gender perspective.
2.     Linking gender budgeting to overall gender equality objectives.
3.     Restructuring budget and amending policies.
4.     Integrating gender perspectives throughout the budget cycles.
5.     Monitoring and evaluation of achievements.
6.     Transparency of the budget process.
7.     Participation in the budget process.
Stages for Gender Budgeting:
Stage 1: Administration must prepare budget draft.
Stage 2: Parliament debates on the budget.
Stage 3: Budget implementation should be monitored.
Stage 4: Budget implementation should be reported and accounted.
Significance of GRB
1.     It helps to maintain gender equality.
2.     It improve the allocation of resources to women.
3.     It leads to good governance by enhancing transparency and accountability.
4.     It addresses the gaps between gender equality and allocation of resources.
5.     It improves the budgetary performance and optimizes the use of limited resources.
6.     It enhances economic efficiency and contributes to broader goal of social justice.
7.     It monitors the success of policy goals.
8.     It support gender mainstreaming in macroeconomics.
Actors of GRB:
All Government Ministries and Departments, Local Government Bodies, National Women's Machineries, Civil Society Organization, Academics, Parliamentarian and Media
Quantitative Weightage of GRB:
Qualitative Indicators
Quantitative Weightage
1. Increase in women's efficiency/capacity
2.Women's participation in plan/programme implementation and formulation
3. Women's share of the benefit
4. Support for women's employment and income generation.
5. Qualitative improvement in women's time use and reduction of workload
1. If the quantitative weightage aggregate is 50% or > 50%, it is directly gender responsive.
2. If the quantitative weightage is 20% < > 50% then it is indirectly gender responsive.
Qualitative Indicators
Quantitative Weightage
1. Increase in women's efficiency/capacity
If capacity development were to happen equally ( 50:50) for women and men.
2.Women's participation in plan/programme implementation and formulation
If plan/programme formulation and implementation were to engage 100% women.
3. Women's share of the benefit
If 60% of the benefit were to accurate to women.
4. Support for women's employment and income generation.
If only 25% of employment opportunity were to go for women.

5. Qualitative improvement in women's time use and reduction of workload
If there is no qualitative improvement in women's time use.
Indirectly Gender Responsive

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