Approaches to the study of Human Geography:

a. Systematic Approach
It is also known as nomethic approach. It was introduced by Alexander Von Humboldt. In this
approach, a particular phenomenon is considered for detailed understanding. The study of specific natural or human phenomenon that gives rise to certain spatial patterns and structures on the earth surface is called the systematic study. It is divided into four main branches:
1. Physical Geography
It studies the various elements of earth system liker air and their distributions.
2. Biogeography including environmental geography
It focuses on various kinds of forests, grasslands, distribution of flora and fauna, human nature relationships, quality of living environment and its implications for human welfare.
3. Human Geography
It describe the human population, culture, dynamic social and political aspects.
4. Geographical methods and techniques
It is concerned with methods and techniques for field studies, qualitative, quantitative and cartographic analysis.
b. Regional Approach
It is also known as ideographical approach. It was developed by Carl Ritter. Region could be classified based on a single factor like relief, vegetation. Administrative units like states, districts and taluks can be treated as region. The main sub-branches of regional geography are given below:
1. Regional studies
2. Regional Analysis
3. Regional development
4. Regional planning

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