Migration and its Types


It is the movement of persons away from their usual place of residence, either access on international border or within a state.

Elements of Migration According to U.N:

a.      Leaving the usual place of residence.

b.     Crossing the geographical/political boundary

c.      Time Frame at least 6 Months

 Types of Migration:

a.      On  the basis of Territory

i. Internal Migration

It is the movement of people within a country involving the establishment of a new temporary or permanent residence. It is divided into following types:

·        Inter-State/District: Migration of people across state or district boundary

·        Intra-State/District: Migration within the state or district boundary.

ii. International Migration

It is the movement of person away from their place of usual residence and across an international border to a country of which they are not nationals.

·        Immigration: Movement to a destination country of which they are not natives or do not possess citizenship (from the view of place of destination)

·        Emigration: Movement from one’s country to the destination country (from the view of place of origin)

b.     On the basis of Continent

i.Inter-Continental Migration

Movement of people across continents such as from Asia to Europe

ii. Intra-Continental

Movement of the same or within the continent such as from Asia to Asia.

c.      On the basis of Law

i.Regular Migration : Migration that occurs in accordance with the laws of the country of origin, transit and destination.

ii.Irregular Migration: Movement of person that takes place outside the laws, regulations or international agreements governing the entry into or exit from the place of origin, transit or destination.

d.     On the basis of Place of Residence

i. Rural to Rural Migration: Movement of people from rural area to another rural area.

ii. Rural to Urban Migration: Movement of people from rural area to urban area.

iii. Urban to Rural Migration: Movement of people from urban area to rural area.

iv. Urban to Urban Migration: Movement of people from urban area to another urban area.

e.      On the basis of Duration:

i.Permanent Migration: Movement from one place to another place and has no plans to return their original home.

ii.Temporary Migration: Movement of people from one place to another and has plans to return their original home often limited by time.

f.       On the basis of Scales:

i.Mass Migration: Large movement of people over a short-period of time due to natural disasters and social disasters which have huge social and economic costs in both place of origin and destination.

ii.Individual Migration: Planned or unplanned movement of people due to many reasons.

g.     On the basis of Time Period

i.Short Term Migration: Movement of people for a short period of time especially at least three months less than a year due to agricultural or other reasons.

ii.Long-term Migration: Movement of people from one place to another for a period of time at least a year so the place of destination effectively becomes his/her new place of residence.

h.     On the basis of Series/Pattern

i.Step-Migration: Migration that takes place in a person’s life which are shorter less extreme and takes place from a person’s place of origin to his/her place of destination.

ii.Chain Migration: Migration that takes place within a family or defined group of people in which usually  one family member migrates to another place and later he/she brings other family members/community members to the new location.

i.       On the basis of factors Affecting:

i.Forced Migration/ Involuntary Migration: Movement of people from one place to another in a large group when a government or authority of a place force them to migrate based on their religion or ethnicity.

ii.Impelled Migration/Reluctant Migration: Movement of people from one place to another in which people leave the place because of unfavorable situations such as warfare, hunger, natural disaster.

j.       On the basis of Skill

i.Skilled Migration: Movement of skilled people from one place to another.

ii.Semi-Skilled Migration: Movement of semi-skilled people from one place to another.

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