

Census is defined as an enumeration or complete population count at a point in time within a specified geographical area.  A census provides more reliable and accurate data if properly enumerated. Main source of population data for the study of population is population census. In 1958, UN has defined the census as " A census is the total population of collecting, compiling, analysing and publishing demographic, economic and social data in a specified time or times to all person in a country."

Looking at the history of census taking, the word 'census' was derived from the Latin word 'censure', meaning to value or tax. In fact, in ancient times, the purpose of census taking was limited with a view to identify persons who could be taxed and recruited for military services. Such limited motives restricted the scope of a census. In such census, women and children were seldom included.

The conducting of censuses has a long history, but modern censuses were first held in the seventeen century. By the end of eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century many countries had held their first centuries. Some countries including Ethiopia have only recently held their first censues (i.e. in 1984 A.D.) 

The Athenians and the Greek took a census and carefully enumerated person's of military age when a danger of war was  imminent and counted the general population when threatened with food shortages. Thus it can be seen that in the earlier period some sort of counting of the population was occasionally undertaken only when the need arose and was often limited to specific segments of the population. 

The modern census suffers differ completely from the early attempts at the counting any population. The modern concept of a population census took shape only in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries. The United States of America had its first census in 1790, and England and France in 1801. This concept of undertaking population census involves a complete enumeration of the entire population and the collection of information about some important characteristics of each person at regular intervals with a view to obtaining knowledge about the trends in population growth and its structure and characteristics.

While taking census, two types of errors may occur during data collections which are Coverage error and Content Error. Coverage error includes over counting and under counting mainly from the side of enumerators whereas Content error includes those errors mainly from interviews sides such as not to give accurate age, age preference and so on.

Features/ Qualities of  Census

* Census cover the total population of all regions of country.
* Important characteristics of each person are recorded, for example , age , sex, marital status, religion literacy and educational attainment, occupation and other characteristics. 
* A census is taken at a regular interval, i.e., a reference period is five years or 10 years. In Nepal, like in other developing countries, census has been taken at every 10 years interval from 1961 onwards though the reference period was not the same during the period 1911-1961.

Coverage Information Of Census

Census is the main source population statistics. It includes not only the counting of people but also informations related to economic, social and demographic characteristics of all citizen of the country. For taking census, mainly two types of questions are used which includes individual schedules and household schedule. Individual schedule contains personal description like; age, gender, marital status, occupation, religions, caste-ethnicity, educational status etc. whereas household schedule contains descriptions regarding the familial status like: no. of family member, migration, land ownership, employment status, facilities available such as: electricity, drinking water, residences etc. in it.

Mainly census cover the following information in it: 

1) Geographical Characteristics: 
It includes;
a) place of presence during census time
b) place of residence ( average) 
c) birth place 
d) place of working 

2) Personal and Household characteristics: 
It includes; 
a) Age 
c) Relationship with household head 
d) marital status etc

3) Economic Characteristics:
It includes; 
a) Occupations 
b) Industries
c) Employment etc.

Steps in Conducting Census

The major steps to be followed in a census include: 
* Planning and preparation 
* Collecting information
* Compilation and analysis 
* Evaluation 

Methods/ Technique of Census 
 There are two techniques of conducting census; De- Jure method and De-facto method.
A) De-Jure Method 

This technique is the counting of people according to the permanent place of location or residences. In this method enumeration is done within the specified interval of time (generally 2 weeks). In this method enumeration is done in day time. Limited no of enumerators are mobilize for taking census in the given interval in time. This method can be applied even the country with geographical difficulty, weak peace and security and economically backward. There is a danger of double counting of people in this method.

* It gives permanent picture of a community. 
* It provides more realistic and useful statistics.

* Some persons may be omitted from the count. A household member who is temporarily away from home may be missed from being counted unless the enumerators makes sure that nobody is missing. 
* Some may be counted twice. 
* Information collected regarding persons aways from home is often incomplete or incorrect. 

B) De-Facto Method 

This technique of conducting census refers to counting persons where they are present at the time of the census period. In this method enumeration is done in full moon night of specified one day. In this method enumeration is done at a night time. More no of enumerators are mobilize for taking census in short period of time. This method is cannot be applied for those country where there is geographical difficult, weak peace and security and economically backward. There is a danger of omissions of people from count in this method.

* There is less chance for the omission of persons from the count.

* Difficult to obtain information regarding persons in transit. These are persons who are, for example travelling and have left their area of permanent residence but haven't reached the areas of destinations during the census day.
* It provides incorrect picture of the population in a community. 

Advantages Of  Census 

* It is the reliable sources of population size, births, deaths and migration rate along with other demographic variables. 
* It gives the information about economic activities, occupational composition, and industrial level of whole population of the country. 
* With the help of census life table can be constructed for the projection of morality rate.
* It helps to identify the economically active and dependent population of the country. 
* It helps for comparative study of statistical data of different country.

Uses Of  Census

* Changes in population size and growth rates, age structures.
* Level and trends of the three demographic drivers, fertility, mortality and migration; and their differentials.
* Socio-economic characteristics of people.
* Population projection for the future. 

Limitation/ Drawbacks Of  Census 

* It is very costly and difficult to manage.
* It takes long time to process data, when result is revealed the population trend may take another mode.
* Modification of national and administrative boundaries can create problems.
* If the enumerators are not well-trained, exact data can lack.

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