Consequences or Effects of Migration

1.     Social Consequence of Migration:



Social Aspect

Place of Origin

Place of Destination

1.     Infrastructure

Less focus will be given in the development of infrastructure. The developed infrastructure will be used less.

There will be lack of infrastructure.

2.     Security

There will be mixed feeling about security because there are less people which ultimately leads to the less chance of crime.

There will be less feeling of security because of the existence of crime.

3.     Education

Quality education will be less easy to achieve because no one focuses on the development of infrastructure for education. Existence of large physical distance of students to school. Difficulty in finding teachers, poor internet connection and lack of study materials.

Quality education will be hard to achieve de to the crowding of the people but there is the presence of: qualified and experienced teachers, staff; good internet connection; large number of schools; sufficient study materials.


4.     Health

Shortage of health facilities, no medical personnel

Abundant health facilities, qualified medical personnel but crowding of people.

5.     Psychology

There will be brain drain which means people will migrate for further generation.

It will receive more people due to brain drain in the place of origin.

6.     Lifestyle

There will be change in the lifestyle of those people who has return from the migration.

The migrate people will observe a great change in the lifestyle.

7.     Culture

There will be assimilation of culture.

There will be assimilation of culture.

8.     Mental health

The family whose member has migrated will miss their member.

The migrated person will miss his/her family.

9.     Breaking/Unification of family

The person who has migrated will observe the breaking of family.

There will be family reunification.



2.     Economic Consequences of Migration:

Economic Aspect

Place of Origin

Place of Destination

1.     Labor

There will be shortage of labor and occupation like agriculture will be based upon women, old and child.

There will be more labor force especially semi-skilled  and also causes unemployment.

2.     Raw Material

Most of the raw materials won’t be utilized due to the lack of the labor force.

Most of the raw material will be utilized due to the presence of more labor force.

3.     Flow of Money

It will gain money through remittances.

The money flow will procced towards another place in the form of remittances.

4.     Economic Growth

There will be economic growth due to  the remittances.

There will be huge economic growth due to the mass production.

5.     Living Standard

The living standard of the family whose member has migrated will increase.

There are 2 faces:

a.      Since, unemployment increases living standard decreases

b.     Since, growth of the economy increases, the tendency of living standard also increase.

6.     Mode of Production (World System Theory)

The destruction of the traditional mode of production.

The flourishment and empowerment of capitalist mode of production.


3.     Demographic Consequences of Migration


Place of Origin

Place of Destination

1.     Size of Population

There will be huge number of absentees in the population.

There will be increase in the population due to the new migrant.

2.     Disbalance in Gender

Internal Migration: Girls will migrate to another place because of marriage.

International Migration: Men will go to abroad especially for employment.

Internal Migration: It will achieve women migrant due to the marriage.

International Migrant: It will achieve men migrant.

3.     Age

People of age group 15-29 will leave the place of origin in both internal and international migration.

It will achieve people of age group 15-29.


4.     Marital Status

I will lose single married and never married people in internal and international migration.

It will achieve single married and never married people in internal and international migration.

5.     Place of Residence

Place of origin is rural areas as most of the people migrate from this place.

Place of destination is urban areas most of the people migrate to this place.


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