Migrants and their Characteristcs


Person who moves away from his/her usual place of residence whether within a country or across an international border temporarily or permanently due to variety of reasons. This term includes a number of well defined categories of people such as migrant workers, smuggled migrants, international students.

Characteristics of Migrant:

a.Social Characteristics

1. Sometimes migrants are not accepted by the society easily.

2. Migrants have high quality of cultural assimilation.

3. They bring their own culture, tradition, language and festival.

4. It is mostly sure that migrants face: Difficulty, Dirty, Danger and Discrimination.

5. Most of the migrants migrate in the hope of better education,health and better infrastructure.

b.Economic Characteristics

1. Most of the migrants are driven by economic reasons. (Todaro)

2. Most of the migrants are labor migrants having semi-skilled.

3. Labor migrants face unequal treatment.

4. Labor migrants have to work for long hours with low wages.

5. Most of the migrants have better living standard.

6. Most of the migrants tend to do any job at place of destination.

7. Most of the migrants are brain-drained to migrate for better job in the place of destination.

c.Demographic Characteristics

1. Females migrants are more engaged in internal migration due to marriage. (Ravenstein)

2. Male migrants are more engaged in international migration for job. (Ravenstein)

3. Most of the migrants are from age group 20-35. (Lee)

4. Most of the migrants are never married and married.

5. Most of the migrants are rural born. (Ravenstein)

d.Physical Characteristics

1. Most of the migrants are from short distance. (Ravenstein)

2. Most of the migrants are healthy.

3. Migrants follow step-migration.

4. Only few migrants want to return back their home.

5. Migrants are intermediate between the characteristics of the population of place of origin and place of destination.

6. Migrants migrate due to the response of pull and push factors.

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