System |
System |
It is found only
in Hindu system. |
It is universal
as it is found in every society. |
It is an
ascribed status. |
It is an
achieved status. |
It is a closed
system. |
It is an open
system. |
It is believed
to have a divine origin. |
It is secular
and has nothing to do with religion. |
It has the idea of
purity and pollution. |
It has the
feeling of disparity. |
There is
comparatively a greater distance being kept between different castes. |
There is less
social distance between different classes. |
It is an
endogamous group. |
It is not
endogamous group. |
It is complex
system as it has more than 2800 castes and sub-castes. |
It is simple
caste system as it has just 3 classes. |
It has a caste consciousness
which is dangerous for democracy. |
It has class consciousness
which is not dangerous for democracy. |
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