Accomodation and it's Characteristics



It refers to the process of getting along inspite of differences. In other words, it is simply a way of inventing social environments which helps people to work together whether they like it or not.

Characteristics of Accomodation:

1. It is the natural result of conflict (Park and Burgess, 1921). Even if conflict disappears as an overt action, it remains latent as a potential.

2. It is a universal process.

3. It is a continuous process. It changes with the changing environment.

4. It is a state in which the attitudes of love and hate coexist (Ogburn and Nimkoff, 1958).

5. It is generally a subconscious process.

6. It is an agreement to disagree (Jones, 1949).

7. It involves changes in habits, attitudes, patterns of behaviour, techniques, institutions and traditions, etc., according to the changed conditions of life.

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