Dangers of Global Language

The benefits which would flow from the existence of the global language are considerable but several commentators have pointed to possible risks. perhaps  a global language will cultivate an elite monolingual linguistic class, more complacent and dismissive in  their attitude towards other languages. Perhaps those who have such a language at their disposal- and specially those who have it as a mother tongue- will be more able to think and work quickly in it, and to manipulate it to their own advantage at the expense of those who do not  have it . the presence of a global language will make people lazy about learning other language or reduce their opportunities to do so. Perhaps a global language will hasten the disappearance of minority languages or the ultimate threat – make all other languages unnecessary.
      It is important to face up to these fears , and to recognize that they are widely held. There is no shortage of mother language or tongue English speaker who believe in an evolutionary view of language. There are many people who think that all languages learning is waste of time. The use of a single language by a community is  no guarantee of social harmony or mutual understanding, as has been repeatedly seen in the world history (eg the American civil war , the Spanish civil war , the Vietnam war , former Yugoslavia contemporary northern Ireland )nor does the presence of more than one language within a community necessitate civil strife , as seen in several successful examples of peaceful multilingual coexistence (Finland , Singapore , switzerland ) . 
1 Linguistic power 
 The first danger is linguistic power. That people who do not have English as their mother language , but have it instead as their second or foreign language , will have a disadvantage in front of those , who do have it as a mother tongue . Global language might cultivate an elite class with native speaker, who take advantage of the possibility to think and work quickly in their mother tongue . If this was the case they might, manipulate it to their advantage at the expense of those who has another language as their mother tongue and in this way create a linguistic gap between people.
2 Linguistic complacency 
There is a possibility that a global language may make people lazy about learning other languages, or reduce their opportunities to do so . This type of attitude has brought some disadvantage to them. Whereas nonnative person can speak two languages, the natives can speak only one language. But nowadays their rigid attitude is changing.  There are clear signs of growing awareness, within the English speaking communities, of the need to break away from the traditions of monolingual bias . They have realized that boosting exports and attracting foreign investment involves learning foreign languages. To solve, this problems some measures have been taken. For example Australian school now teach Japanese as the first foreign language  and both USA and UK are now playing more attention to Spanish.
3 Linguistic Demise
An introduction of a global language might lead to discrimination of other languages. Losing language is equal to losing of identity. The language is much more than just tool for communication. There is a difference between ‘language death and language murder.’ Language death when a language disappear naturally; its speaker are leaving voluntarily, but language murder means that the killer language actively discourage use of other language. Minority language may be remove from the media and education systems. English is reffered as a ‘killer language’, which means that it is a dominant language learned subtractive, at the cost of the mother tongue, rather than additively.

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